Natural alternatives abound and, although pharmaceuticals may be necessary for certain situations, you will not see them in my medicine cabinet.

You guys are not going to believe this but trust me when I say “I broke my back last year in five places and never took a single pain pill!” How did I do it you ask? Naturally!
Natural alternatives abound and, although pharmaceuticals may be necessary for certain situations, you will not see them in my medicine cabinet. Do you hear all the side effects on those commercials or see them listed on the bottles? There are too many natural alternatives to try first. With a little information about which natural alternatives to utilize, you can benefit from healing support without all the side effects!
Considering the high cost of healthcare bills, and the side effects of conventional medications, adding natural alternatives to your medicine cabinet can make a world of difference.
The benefits of natural ingredients are numerous, and their uses range from aromatherapy, household cleaning products, personal beauty care and natural medicine treatments.
This list is for you if you would like to get started with some replacements:
1. White Willow Bark instead of ibuprofen, acetaminophen or aspirin
2. Tea tree essential oil instead of Neosporin
3. Olive leaf extract instead of antivirals
4. Oil of oregano instead of antibiotics
5. Ginger or peppermint essential oil for nausea
6. Eucalyptus essential oil for nasal congestion
7. Digestive enzymes instead of heartburn medications
8. Kelp and calcium supplement and chamomile tea instead of sleep medications
9. Aloe Vera or Standard Process USF cream for burns
10. Citronella or copaiba essential oil for bug bite relief
This list is by no means exhaustive but provides an idea of how easy it can be to begin incorporating or switching to a less toxic product in your medicine cabinet. Since we keep these natural supplements, oils, and creams in our medicine cabinet, we rarely ever get sick or have to go to the hospital.
Live Your Best Life!
Dr. Tracey Sellers
• This blog post is not an attempt at treatment but to let you know what I do according to my knowledge and experience. Please contact us for specific advice for your, individual, condition and seek attention from your primary care physician or the emergency room when necessary.
• You will see in the picture included that the essential oils in my medicine cabinet are from Young Living and this does not mean that other essential oils do not work. Other brands work. I have tried many brands and have noticed that, for my needs, the Young Living brand, in my opinion, seems to be the most potent and outperform the others.